Friday, 2 September 2011

Evaluating a web site

The Search for Better health

Gather, process and analyse information from secondary sources to describe ways in which drinking water can be treated and use available evidence to explain how these methods reduce the risk of infection from pathogens

Web site:

UC Berkeley (2010), Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply and Questions to Ask, Retrieved on 1 September, 2011 from

1. The site is run by a government organisation (NSW Health) and you can tell this by the 'gov' within the URL

2. The website provides contact information including address, phone number, and email. The web page is also continually updated.

3. The page provides links to a number of sources e.g. Sydney Water & Hunter Water ( and

4. I 'pasted' the URL address into to find if other web pages link to the evaluated page. I found that 20 292 sites were linked to web site.

5. The web site provides objective information regarding ways in which drinking water can be treated if it becomes contaminated.

Is it valid?
It does answer the question from the column 3 dot point from the module.

Is it reliable?
Information from various indicate that the information provided in the web site is reliable.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sam
    I found this 'evaluating a website' a tedious procedure myself. I think students should be given a scaffold for doing this Evaluation quicker or they should be made to practice this skill a number of times until they get used to it.The website that you gave is a government website so the students wouldnot have much problem in the evaluation. However there are many websites where the evaluation process takes quite a long time like the one I used for mine. The Berkeley library source is also an awesome website to do the evaluation.
