Saturday, 10 September 2011

Using web resources for practical activities

Module 9.5.2 (Communication)

Plan , choose equipment or resources and perform a first hand investigation of a mammalian eye to gather first hand data to relate structures to function.

1st web resource: Cow's Eye Dissection (Exploratorium: The Museum of science, art and human perception)

This website features a video where an"Exploratorium" professional expertly dissects  a cow's eye.
Step-by-step instructions are succinct and easy to follow.
  Links are also provided  for further information.
 One of the site's links is  PETAKIDS which presents an ethical argument against dissections.


A  diagram of the eye and its components is presented prior to undertaking the dissection.
Each section of the investigation is clearly headed. e.g. " Here's what you need" and "Here's what to do". The methodology section has sharp visual aids to back up the textual material. Textual material is straight to the point.It is student-friendly as instructions aren't long-winded and daunting to read .
 Safe work procedures are  present throughout the methodology. Hazards are clearly identified and prevention strategies outlined. Once the investigation is over,there are simple steps to dispose of waste materials .
A good glossary is also included relating each structure in the eye with the function it performs.

Video Tutorial (7 min 57 secs)

The demonstrator has undertaken this procedure 4times a week for 3 years . Therefore, students should be able to follow the  procedure correctly. Visual prompts are presented throughout the demonstration,along with precise  explanations on the function of each part of the eye.
 The video will be good for all learners to observe how to undertake this investigation

2nd web resource:

Each step of the procedure was provided with a visual aid  clearly labelling each part of the eye with connecting arrows. For example, the step that involved cutting around the sclera showed  exactly where to cut. However the textual explanations did not reveal similar clarity as these were too long-winded.Where were guidelines on how  to undertake the investigation. Was it to be done individually, in groups?    Neither safety procedures nor the disposal of  waste material were incorporated in the investigation.
 I  tried to google the author of the web page, but alas to no avail.


  1. Hi Sam
    The first website you have evaluated is a fantastic tool for a dissection of a cow’s eye. It is very easy to follow, great step by step instructions in the PDF and on the video. The video is important for the concrete thinkers in helping them visualise the steps of the dissection and the structure of the eye. I would be very happy to use this website in my classroom.
    The second website is not as easy to follow with photographs instead of a video but it still has its usefulness. I agree the descriptions of the eye and instructions for the dissection are a little confusing and probably too in depth for HSC Biology students but you could use some of the information and pictures in preparing your own lesson plan for a dissection should you be using a sheep’s eye. The author seems to have some connection to a school (John Burrows School in St Louis USA) but there is no detail regarding his qualifications or experience so the credibility of the website is in question and somewhat out of date. I did like the activity; identify the parts of the eye (model) on this website.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. i also liked the first resource site you have provided. it provides some good instruction on how to execute the dissection. the dot point does require the students to actually 'perform' a first-hand investigation so after watching the video they would be required in groups to conduct their own dissections. i would think they would be better prepared to do this after having watched and processed the video contents. on completion of their own dissections, students could be required to discuss co-operatively the functions of the different structures of the eyes anatomy.
